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Homecoming BI80A22

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In the colourful light of the early morning, Plumed Whistling-Ducks descend onto a small pond on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland. During the day, these ducks gather with other waterfowl on the margins of lagoons, swamps, and mangrove creeks for preening and sleeping. They fly out to feed on grasslands at night, often over long distances.
© Nature Connect Pty Ltd © Nature Connect Pty Ltd- Steve Parish Photography Steve Parish Nature Connect Steve Parish Nature Connect
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In the colourful light of the early morning, Plumed Whistling-Ducks descend onto a small pond on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland. During the day, these ducks gather with other waterfowl on the margins of lagoons, swamps, and mangrove creeks for preening and sleeping. They fly out to feed on grasslands at night, often over long distances.