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Rivals BI255752

Rivals BI255752

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These stunning adult brown falcons were captured in the midst of a territorial conflict. They truly embody the nature of raptors—a word that originates from the Latin term 'raptare', meaning 'to seize and carry off'. Throughout the breeding season, these falcons are fiercely territorial and will aggressively chase off any intruders that enter their domain.
© Nature Connect Pty Ltd © Nature Connect Pty Ltd- Steve Parish Photography Steve Parish Nature Connect Steve Parish Nature Connect
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1600x2000 / 756.5KB
These stunning adult brown falcons were captured in the midst of a territorial conflict. They truly embody the nature of raptors—a word that originates from the Latin term 'raptare', meaning 'to seize and carry off'. Throughout the breeding season, these falcons are fiercely territorial and will aggressively chase off any intruders that enter their domain.